Mini Solar-Powered Car

Category: Toys
Manufacturer: Test Manufacturer
Views: 1718
Manufacturer Test Manufacturer
Our Price


inc. VAT 20.00 % (£3.33)
Availability IN STOCK
SKU SKU17549


Car is tiny, power source is very large

Solar cars are, unfortunately, still in the research and development phase, although we saw one recently that drove from Texas to New York in 5 days. Despite being impressive, it'll likely be years before we have one sitting in the driveway, charging. Until then this working miniature model will have to keep us entertained.

The world's smallest solar powered car - it zooms along when the sun shines on the solar panel. No batteries - it gets its power just from the sun. No assembly required. Measures a tiny 3.3 x 2.2 x 1.4 cm. When the sun shines on the solar panel, the panel makes electricity that turns the motor and the wheels. A fun demonstration of solar power. Will also work when close to a strong artificial light source. Not for children under 3 years old, due to small parts.

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