CSS & JS Assets

The Minify PHP app method will be removed in v4.7.13, as it's no longer needed.

As of v4.7.12.4, released Dec 22nd 2020, you can deploy the template CSS and JS assets in two ways...

  1. Using the traditional X-Cart CSS and JS method (this is now the default)
  2. Using the Minify PHP app method, as used in previous versions

If installing after Dec 22nd 2020, use the X-Cart CSS and JS method.

X-Cart Assets

There's negligible speed increase using the traditional method (you save two browser requests).

After making CSS/JS modifications, you may need to clear the X-Cart cache afterwards, especially if you have Do not check if templates are changed enabled in Admin > General Settings.

When your store is live, you should always have the speed-up tools for javascript and CSS enabled in X-Cart Admin > General Settings (combine,minify).

Please ensure you have applied this patch which fixes the way X-Cart handles CSS, specifically data-uri's.

To upgrade to v4.7.12.4, apply this SQL patch...

REPLACE INTO xcart_config VALUES ('reboot_assets_deployment','','xcart','Reboot',1005,'selector','','xcart:X-Cart\nminify:Minify','','Y');
REPLACE INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('en','opt_reboot_assets_deployment','CSS & JS Assets deployment method','Options');
REPLACE INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('en','opt_descr_reboot_assets_deployment','<a href="https://xcartmods.com/reboot/assets" target="_blank">Info</a>','Options');

Here is a list of the files changed from v4.7.12.3 to v4.7.12.4 ...

  • /reboot/.postauth.php
  • /skin/reboot/admin/main/configuration_reboot.tpl
  • /skin/reboot/customer/home.tpl
  • /skin/reboot/customer/reboot_css.tpl
  • /skin/reboot/customer/reboot_css_assets.tpl (New file - this is where CSS assets are loaded)
  • /skin/reboot/customer/reboot_js.tpl
  • /skin/reboot/customer/reboot_js_assets.tpl (New file - this is where JS assets are loaded)
  • /skin/reboot/customer/service_head.tpl

CSS files changed (only image paths tweaked from ../skin/reboot/images/ to ../images/) ...

  • /skin/reboot/css/reboot.css
  • /skin/reboot/css/utilities.css

CSS files changed (only image paths tweaked from ../../skin/reboot/images/ to ../../images/) ...

  • /skin/reboot/css/misc/cloudzoom.css
  • /skin/reboot/css/misc/flickity.css
  • /skin/reboot/css/misc/gallery.css
  • /skin/reboot/css/misc/lightgallery.css
  • /skin/reboot/css/misc/lightgallery_light.css

Why has this change been made?

A small minority of users struggled to get Minify to work on their server. If you'd like us to perform the necessary changes for you, get in touch.

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