As of v4.7.12.4
, released Dec 22nd 2020, you can deploy the template CSS and JS assets in two ways...
If installing after Dec 22nd 2020, use the X-Cart CSS and JS method.
There's negligible speed increase using the traditional method (you save two browser requests).
After making CSS/JS modifications, you may need to clear the X-Cart cache afterwards, especially if you have Do not check if templates are changed
enabled in Admin > General Settings.
When your store is live, you should always have the speed-up tools for javascript and CSS enabled in X-Cart Admin > General Settings (combine,minify).
Please ensure you have applied this patch which fixes the way X-Cart handles CSS, specifically data-uri's.
To upgrade to v4.7.12.4
, apply this SQL patch...
REPLACE INTO xcart_config VALUES ('reboot_assets_deployment','','xcart','Reboot',1005,'selector','','xcart:X-Cart\nminify:Minify','','Y');
REPLACE INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('en','opt_reboot_assets_deployment','CSS & JS Assets deployment method','Options');
REPLACE INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('en','opt_descr_reboot_assets_deployment','<a href="" target="_blank">Info</a>','Options');
Here is a list of the files changed from v4.7.12.3
to v4.7.12.4
(New file - this is where CSS assets are loaded)/skin/reboot/customer/reboot_js.tpl
(New file - this is where JS assets are loaded)/skin/reboot/customer/service_head.tpl
CSS files changed (only image paths tweaked from ../skin/reboot/images/
to ../images/
) ...
CSS files changed (only image paths tweaked from ../../skin/reboot/images/
to ../../images/
) ...
A small minority of users struggled to get Minify to work on their server. If you'd like us to perform the necessary changes for you, get in touch.
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