
Prior to installing, please apply the X-Cart fixes here.
If you haven't yet downloaded the zip file, get it from your order invoice.
Order ID

If you purchased the template via the X-Cart Marketplace, download the latest zip file via your X-Cart Marketplace account.

Prior to installing the template, we recommend making a backup of your existing store files and database.

Step 1

Unzip the zip file, to your local computer.

Then upload the files and folders in the /UPLOAD folder to your store root folder (where config.php resides).

Step 2

This step enables your Smarty debug console to be private. A new IP address field will be added to Admin > General Settings.

In /init.php



Step 3

This step loads the reBOOT related code for various functions.

In /postauth.php



Step 4

This step loads the product related code for custom fields etc.

In /product.php



Step 5

This step ensures that all tables are exported when performing a database backup in X-Cart.

In /admin/db_backup.php



Step 6

This step populates the manufacturers dropdown in the admin 'Quick Find' panel.

In /admin/auth.php AND /provider/auth.php



Step 7

This step saves all the custom product fields and gets the maximum file upload size.

In /include/product_modify.php





Step 8

This step adds custom product fields to the $trusted_post_variables array.

In /admin/product_modify.php



Step 9

This step adds custom product fields to the $trusted_post_variables array.

In /provider/product_modify.php



Step 10

This step adjusts the products 'per page' dropdown options.

In /include/search.php



Step 11

This step loads the templates for custom pages.

In /skin/common_files/common_templates.tpl




{* Reboot Template *}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_faq'}
{include file='custom/faq/faq.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_glossary_admin'}
{include file='admin/reboot_glossary.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_glossary'}
{include file='custom/glossary.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_page_views'}
{include file='admin/reboot_page_views.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_order_stats'}
{include file='admin/reboot_order_stats.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_manager'}
{include file='admin/reboot_manager.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_testimonials_admin'}
{include file='admin/reboot_testimonials.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_testimonials'}
{include file='modules/Testimonials/testimonials.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_testimonial_add'}
{include file='modules/Testimonials/testimonial_add.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_coupons_main'}
{include file='modules/Discount_Coupons/coupons_main.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_product_videos'}
{include file='custom/product_videos.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_products_trending'}
{include file='custom/products_trending.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'wordpress'}
{include file='custom/wordpress.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_lookbook_admin'}
{include file='admin/reboot_lookbook.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_lookbook'}
{include file='custom/lookbook/lookbook.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_visitors'}
{include file='admin/reboot_visitors.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_blocked_ips'}
{include file='admin/reboot_blocked_ips.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_webp'}
{include file='admin/reboot_webp.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'reboot_blog'}
{include file='blog/blog.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'xgallery_admin'}
{include file='admin/main/xgallery.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'xgallery'}
{include file='modules/XGallery/xgallery.tpl'} 

{elseif $main eq 'xfaq_admin'}
{include file='admin/main/xfaq.tpl'}

{elseif $main eq 'xfaq'}
{include file='modules/XFaq/xfaq.tpl'} 

{* /Reboot Template *}

Step 12

This step adds the assets for the new HTML editors.

In /skin/common_files/single/home.tpl AND /skin/common_files/admin/home.tpl (if using X-Cart Platinum)



{* Reboot Template *}
{if $active_modules.Reboot && $main ne "languages"}
  {include file="modules/Redactor/redactor.tpl"}
{* /Reboot Template *}

Step 13

This step adds new reBOOT menus to the admin header menu.

In /skin/common_files/admin/goodies.tpl



{* Reboot Template *}
{if $usertype eq "A" && $active_modules.Reboot && $alt_skin_info.alt_schemes_skin_name eq "reboot"}
  {include file="admin/reboot_admin_menu.tpl"}
{* /Reboot Template *}

Step 16

This step patches the database with new languages, template settings, product fields etc.

In X-Cart Admin, go to Tools > Patch/Upgrade and underneath "Apply SQL patch", browse to and apply the following patches from your local /SQL folder...

Step 16 A 01_reboot_config_and_languages.sql

Step 16 B 02_reboot_template_settings.sql

Step 16 C 03_reboot_template_addons.sql

Step 17

This step clears the X-Cart cache.

In X-Cart Admin, go to Tools > Maintenance

Step 17 A Click the "Force cache generation" button

Step 17 B Click the "Rebuild category indexes" button

Step 17 C Click the "Clear X-Cart cache" button

Step 17 D Click the "Re-generate the image cache" button

Step 18

This step activates the reBOOT template.

In X-Cart Admin, go to Settings > General Settings > Appearance

Under 'Select skin to use', select reBOOT reDUX and click 'Apply changes'.

Installation complete!

You should now see the new template on your store front-end and a new 'reBOOT' menu in Admin.

Browse through the reBOOT template settings to get aquainted.

You'll need an account token for the security addon. Signup here (free).

Blank Screen? ... Don't Panic!

If you get a blank screen on the store front-end, common causes are...

  1. The template files were not uploaded correctly (step 1). Remedy: Re-upload the template files.
  2. The template SQL patches were not applied correctly (step 16). Remedy: Re-apply the template SQL patches.

If you are still getting a blank screen and/or PHP errors, contact us for support (FTP access may be requested).


Enable Clean URLs by visiting Admin > General Settings > SEO and follow the instructions.

Suggested additional .htaccess code is available here which enables gzip compression, browser caching and other directives.

For Nginx users, additional directives are available here.

Suggested additional .htaccess code to block bad user agents/spiders is available here.

Suggested robots.txt code is available here (note the sitemap entries at the bottom).

Favicons reside in /skin/reboot/images/icons/ and the template for them is /skin/reboot/customer/favicons.tpl

We strongly recommend securing (password protecting) your X-Cart /admin and /provider folders, which you can usually do via your hosting control panel.

You can test your store responsive design, by visiting


Most available addons are built-in, but some require additional code modifications. Head over to the addons page for details.

SVG Icons

Hundreds of SVG icons can be downloaded here. If you intend to use any, upload them to /skin/reboot/images/icons/.


Hundreds of background tiles and images can be downloaded here (30MB). If you intend to use any, upload to /skin/reboot/images/backgrounds/ and then browse the images at


Keep an eye on the changelog for future updates, fixes etc.

Subscribe to the X-Cart forum thread.


Check the FAQs, or feel free to contact us with any questions.

© 2013-2025